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- Date: Tue, 2 Nov 93 16:42:29 PST
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
- Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu
- Precedence: Bulk
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V93 #1304
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Tue, 2 Nov 93 Volume 93 : Issue 1304
- Today's Topics:
- 3V8AS, anywone else?
- Email_Callbook_server
- EMI/RFI from Hidden Fence
- Is the band dead -- or nobody on?
- Kenwood IF-232
- Mods for FT-290RII
- Repeater Trivia Question.
- SAREX Keps & Update 10/28
- TS-820S+17m+DC FOR SALE
- Welcome to rec.radio.info!
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 19:20:07 GMT
- From: crl.dec.com!crl.dec.com!nntpd.lkg.dec.com!peavax.mlo.dec.com!usenet@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: 3V8AS, anywone else?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <2b5o10$4lo@cville-srv.wam.umd.edu>, ham@wam.umd.edu (Scott Richard Rosenfeld) writes:
- > Worked 3V8AS (Tunisia) on Sunday on 17m CW. The GO list says to QSL via
- > IK5GQM. Any comments? Is this a SLIM?
- No, it's a real operator in Tunisia. His credentials have not been
- accepted by the ARRL DXCC desk, though.
- - Jim AD1C
- --
- Jim Reisert AD1C Internet: reisert@mlo.dec.com
- Digital Equipment Corp. UUCP: ...decwrl!mlo.dec.com!reisert
- 146 Main Street - MLO3-6/C9 Voice: 508-493-5747
- Maynard, MA 01754 FAX: 508-493-0395
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1993 06:00:34 GMT
- From: tribune.usask.ca!kakwa.ucs.ualberta.ca!alberta!nebulus!ve6mgs!usenet@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: Email_Callbook_server
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- (access interface changed..)
- For those who do not have telnet access to marvin or one of the other
- Internet callsign servers here is an alternative.
- N8EMR's Ham BBS, 614-895-2553 has an email server up and running.
- The Server is based on Buckmasters Fall 92 database.
- ------------------------- INTERNET AND CIS USERS -------------------------------
- Mail should be addressed to
- callbook@n8emr.cmhnet.org
- You MUST use the reply line now.. To many people with bad
- reply paths.. I got tired of seeing the errors bounced back to me.
- There are two command line options. One is REPLY. This command
- is used to specify the return path to use for the callbook request.
- You can use internet @ or bang ! path format.
- The second command is CALL. This command is used to specify a list of
- callsigns. Each call sign is seperated by a white space. All other
- lines and info are ignored.
- E.G.
- # mail callbook@n8emr.cmhnet.org
- REPLY user@site.domain (your reply path, ! or @ format.)
- CALL n8emr w5rrr (list of calls, space seperated)
- ^D
- #
- -------------------------- PACKET RADIO ----------------------------------------
- Mail should be sent to CBOOK@N8JYV.#CMH.OH.USA.NA
- You MUST use both the REPLY and CALL option lines.
- The REPLY line should be as follows n8jyv!HOME_BBS!CALL, where
- HOME_BBS is your local packet bbs where you would normal pick up
- your mail, CALL is your callsign.
- You must include the n8jyv! in your reply path.. Packet mail will fail
- without this.
- E.g.
- Subject ^M
- REPLY n8jyv!w8cqk!n8emr
- CALL n8emr w1aw
- /EX
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 Nov 93 23:17:21 GMT
- From: sdd.hp.com!hpscit.sc.hp.com!cupnews0.cup.hp.com!jholly@hplabs.hp.com
- Subject: EMI/RFI from Hidden Fence
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Ed Hare - KA1CV (ehare@arrl.org) wrote:
- : Well, there is probably a strong 15.75 kHz em field around most TVs,
- : the frequency of the horizontal sweep. The horizontal sweep waveforms
- : are rich in harmonics (appearing as a rough buzz every 15 kHz even
- : in HF bands). The Hidden Fence receiver is approximately 32 kHz, so
- : it is real close. Either the 15 kHz fundamental, or harmonics, are
- : activating the collar.
- : This is much like the feeling I get when I am wearing my tie at work --
- : I wonder if . . .
- You mean your tie shocks you when the other staffers are watching tv? :-)
- Wow, I knew there was a reason not to wear a tie to work!
- Jim, WA6SDM
- jholly@cup.hp.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1993 20:16:15 GMT
- From: news.cerf.net!pagesat!olivea!spool.mu.edu!darwin.sura.net!perot.mtsu.edu!raider!theporch!jackatak!root@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Is the band dead -- or nobody on?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- alan@olin.es.com (Alan Brubaker) writes:
- > In article <1993Oct27.200502.9559@VFL.Paramax.COM> rossi@VFL.Paramax.COM
- > >I was talking to a friend about how dead the bands seemed lately - 10 meters
- > >especially, yet we both noted the following:
- > Good observation - 10 meters has been quiet for the past couple of
- > months, but if you hang around enough, you can catch an opening now
- Yes, this is true. What is also true, and largely explains the
- "dead-band" phenomena is that many hams just ASSUME (incorrectly, I
- might add) that the bands are dead because "everyone knows that"... so
- they don't TRY.
- If you check for beacons on 10 meters, you'll know whether (and more
- importantly TO WHERE) the band is open early, and have the advantage
- of being one of the early ones to cash in...
- For 15 meters, try listening for HCJB at 21.455. Granted this is a
- real POWERHOUSE from high in the Andes, but if HCJB is running 20 over
- S9, then the band is probably open for transequatorial...
- Reak issue here is listening, knowing what to listen for, and then
- calling CQ. You do NOT have to run "soup" when the bands suddenly
- opens, you just have to BE THERE!!!
- I recall, during the pits of the last sunspot dip, hearing a station
- in Missouri yakking with a station in San Diego, both bitching about
- how dead the band was... I could hear them, and their signals were
- fairly stout, so I tuned around, and about 15KHz above them worked a
- TON of ZL, VK, JA, YB, VU all the while they were still staying in one
- place (leaving me alone to the feast! ;^) and just bitching about
- conditions... I thought conditions were pretty fine that night!
- > >Why is it that the band can be open to a specific area of the world yet you
- > >only hear a very few stations from that area??
- Because the rest of the world doesn't listen to beacons and dead bands
- any better than the rest of us do.
- > Sometimes the one station that you hear will have an exceptionally
- > good transmitting system (KW, beam high in the air) - and the other
- > stations running low power and a dipole are just not as visible.
- Or, he was just there and "cashed in" when the opening happened...
- > >When is the bottom of the sunspot cycle predicted for anyway? '95? '96?
- > As we get into the depths of the sunspot minimum, the stations that
- > have the large antenna systems will stand out more and more.
- This is probably true, but it is also true of *all* times. The better
- antenna system will make an otherwise average station sound
- supercharged -- and it is more fun than feeding the electric power
- utility!!! ;^)
- 73, Jack/W4PPT
- +--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--+
- | Jack GF Hill |Voice: (615) 459-2636 - Ham Call: W4PPT |
- | P. O. Box 1685 |Modem: (615) 377-5980 - Bicycling and SCUBA Diving |
- | Brentwood, TN 37024|Fax: (615) 459-0038 - Life Member - ARRL |
- | root@jackatak.raider.net - "Plus ca changer, plus c'est la meme chose" |
- +--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--+
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 Nov 93 23:17:40 GMT
- From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
- Subject: Kenwood IF-232
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Does anyone have a circuit or know of an equivalent circuit for
- the Kenwood IF-232 interface.
- I am sure I have seen this mentioned on the list previously.
- If the info is available at an FTP site, any info regarding that
- would be appreciated.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 Nov 93 23:09:24 GMT
- From: ogicse!cs.uoregon.edu!news.uoregon.edu!netnews.nwnet.net!ns1.nodak.edu!badlands.NoDak.edu!walth@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Mods for FT-290RII
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Does anyone know if there are any mods available for the Yaesu FT-290 to
- allow it to recieve out of band? (preferably into the 170Mhz range)
- Thanks in advance..
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1993 06:00:30 GMT
- From: tribune.usask.ca!kakwa.ucs.ualberta.ca!alberta!nebulus!ve6mgs!usenet@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: N8EMR_BBS_INFO
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- The N8EMR Ham bbs is online to serve the needs of the
- amateur radio operators..
- System Name: N8EMR
- Phone: 614-895-2553
- Login: hbbs
- Modems: TB2500 PEP/V.32 support
- Times: 24hrs
- IP Address:
- Amateur radio annonymous ftp access is available via the ohio
- netrom/ip network. CMHIP is the Netrom node Id and is known
- by most of the nodes in ohio. (its slow but it works)
- This is only via the ohio packet network. This sytem
- is not available via the "INTERNET".
- To access the system via the dialup, at the login prompt type hbbs
- (lower case only), you will then enter the BBS program. Follow the
- directions from the bbs prompts.
- I attempt to keep the latest and greatest HAM software on-line, and
- encourage all to upload Here is some of software that is available
- for downloading.
- NEWHAM area. Pick the tools you need to become a ham
- AMSAT news and satellite keplerian elements
- KA9Q TCP/IP Software for various computers,
- ARRL related files
- Latest packet bbs programs and utilitys.
- Modifications for HAM Rigs and Scanners
- DX and contesting programs
- Many Packet related programs
- Scanner, shortwave and TVRO files and messages.
- Online Callsign lookup.
- Question or comments to
- Gary W. Sanders (gws@n8emr.cmhnet.org), 72277,1325
- N8EMR @ W8CQK (ip addr) [Ohio AMPR address coordinator]
- HAM BBS 614-895-2553
- Voice: 614-895-2552 (eves/weekends)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 05:15:24 GMT
- From: news.Hawaii.Edu!uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu!jherman@ames.arpa
- Subject: Repeater Trivia Question.
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <2b3vh2$9a6@crcnis1.unl.edu> mcduffie@unlinfo.unl.edu (Gary McDuffie Sr) writes:
- >turini@ariel.gdls.com (Bill Turini) writes:
- >
- >>Who put the first amateur repeater on the air? When? Where? and what band?
- >
- >>No prize to the winner, only everlasting gratitude :-)
- >
- >>73's
- >
- >>Bill
- >
- >It may not have been the first, but you will have to go some to beat
- >K6MYK's AM repeater in LA. I used it in the early 60's.
- >
- >Gary
- Ah yes, that was Art Gentry's repeater. I can still hear Millie's (W6MEP)
- sweet voice on the tape I.D.: ``This is the Los Angeles Repeater - K6MYK,
- Mount Lee, Hollywood'', once every 10 minutes or so. Art would get so mad at
- the kids abusing the repeater that about once per day he would come over
- the UHF link and threaten to turn the machine off. At that time I believe
- that was the ONLY repeater in L.A.
- Jeff NH6IL/QRP (ex: WA6QIJ)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 Nov 93 17:50:07 GMT
- From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
- Subject: SAREX Keps & Update 10/28
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- R:931101/0025Z @:WA7BHH.WA.USA.NA [Tacoma] #:12848 Z:98465 FBB5.15
- R:931101/0000Z @:W7GCI.WA.USA.NA [Tacoma] #:35118 Z:98499 FBB5.15
- R:931030/1514Z @:N8GTC.#CIN.IN.USA.NOAM Brookville #:47346 Z:47012
- R:931030/0718z 29215@W9OJ.IN.USA.NA
- R:931030/0652z 22073@N5CEC.IN.USA.NA
- R:931030/0540Z @:KK9G.#CEIN.IN.USA.NA [Indianapolis,In.] #:21727
- R:931030/0537Z @:N5AAA.#CEIN.IN.USA.NA [Noblesville] #:35453
- R:931029/1256Z @:KD9LP.#NCIN.IN.USA.NA [Amboy] #:26400 Z:46911 FBB5.15
- R:931029/0636Z @:NU9H.#NWIN.IN.USA.NA [MIDWEST SATGATE] #:15967
- R:931028/1900z @:WA8URE.#SWMI.MI.USA.NA Grand Rapids #:36038 Z:49508
- SB SAREX @ AMSAT $STS-58.025
- SAREX Keps & Update: 10/28
- Thursday 10/28/93 @ 08:00 UTC
- The last school group contact was completed yesterday. The Portsmouth HS
- in Portsmouth, New Hampshire had a telebridge contact using stations in
- California (Ralph Warner, N6MNN) and Texas (Bob Douglas, W5GEL). The
- students asked 5 questions during this bridge contact.
- Hams across the U.S. and around the world continue to work the Shuttle
- Columbia on both voice and packet. Moreover, the completion of school
- group contacts has cleared several school backup passes for possible
- general QSO opportunities. While the SAREX Working Group cannot fully
- guarantee availability, there is a high probability that the STS-58 crew
- will be ready to take general call. on these
- passes. Two of these "scheduled" passes remain. These include orbit
- 178 at MET 11 days 1 hour 42 minutes (10/29 at 16:35 UTC) and orbit 192
- at MET 11 days 22 hours and 29 minutes (10/30 at 13:22 UTC). Please note
- that the astronauts operated voice during yesterday's "scheduled" pass
- which occurred on 10/27 at 14:59 UTC (Orbit 145). Also note that hams on
- the ground heard or worked the Shuttle Columbia crew on several other orbits
- yesterday.
- Element set GSFC-031, generated by Ron Parise, WA4SIR, is the official SAREX
- set for today. Please note that there is only a six second difference
- between element set GSFC-025 (released two days ago) and element set GSFC-
- 031.
- STS-58
- 1 22869U 93065A 93300.17699070 0.00133671 99048-5 24183-3 0 318
- 2 22869 39.0252 71.9896 0012817 34.2105 325.9529 16.00500857 1383
- Satellite: STS-58
- Catalog number: 22869
- Epoch time: 93300.17699070 (27 OCT 93 04:14:51.** UTCset: GSFC-031
- Inclination: 39.0252 deg
- RA of node: 71.9896 deg Space Shuttle Flight STS-58
- Eccentricity: 0.0012817 Keplerian Elements
- Arg of perigee: 34.2105 deg
- Mean anomaly: 325.9529 deg
- Mean motion: 16.00500857 rev/day SAxis: 6651.1630 Km
- Decay rate: 0.13E-02 rev/day*2 Apogee Alt: 281.30 Km
- Epoch rev: 138 Perigee Alt: 264.25 Km
- NOTE - This element set is based on NORAD element set # 031.
- The spacecraft has been propagated to the next ascending
- node, and the orbit number has been adjusted to bring it
- into agreement with the NASA numbering convention.
- Submitted by F, KA3HDO for the SAREX Working Group
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1993 15:38:36 GMT
- From: yuma!galen@purdue.edu
- Subject: TS-820S+17m+DC FOR SALE
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Kenwood TS-820S (160 thru 10 +17m) For Sale!
- Digital display has been cured of it's dropout problems!
- Has tube finals and driver, tubes less than 3 months old!
- Has 17m transcieve capability (70 Watts CW)!
- Includes crystal for 12m mod, and the QST article with 12,17 and 10m mods!
- Has 12VDC Converter!
- Recently aligned, both RF and audio sound great!
- Has owners' and service manual.
- Asking $400 or best offer.
- Terms: UPS COD cash only, you pay shipping.
- Phone 303-482-2316 (msg) or e-mail.
- Galen, KF0YJ.
- I reserve the right to refuse any or all offers.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1993 21:01:27 MST
- From: tribune.usask.ca!kakwa.ucs.ualberta.ca!alberta!nebulus!ve6mgs!bohica!rec-radio-info@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: Welcome to rec.radio.info!
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Archive-name: radio/rec-radio-info/welcome
- Last-modified: $Date: 1993/05/16 21:57 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.05 $
- *** Welcome to rec.radio.info! ***
- Welcome to rec.radio.info, a group that aims to provide a noise-free source
- of information and news for the entire rec.radio hierarchy.
- Two introductory articles about rec.radio.info are posted to the group and
- to news.answers every two weeks. You are now reading the first article, which
- explains what rec.radio.info is, and answers some Frequently Asked Questions.
- The second article is titled "Submission Guidelines", and you only need to
- read it if you want to submit an article to rec.radio.info.
- You can skip to the next section of this article by searching for the next
- " -- " string. The sections available are:
- - What is the purpose of rec.radio.info?
- - Why are messages almost always cross posted to rec.radio.info?
- - What is a 'follow-up', and what does 'moderated' mean?
- - OK, so now I know what 'moderated' means. Tell me more.
- - What type of material is considered inappropriate?
- - I do not have access to news, how can I get the information posted to
- rec.radio.info?
- - Will the material appearing in rec.radio.info be archived somewhere?
- - I have a regular posting with timely information, is there a way to
- speed up it's delivery, or automate for more convenience?
- -- What is the purpose of rec.radio.info?
- The purpose or charter of rec.radio.info is to provide the Usenet community with
- a resource for information, news, and facts about any and all things radio.
- All the other rec.radio groups are intended for discussions and general chit
- chat about radio. Rec.radio.info will contain informational, factual articles
- only. Follow-ups are redirected to an appropriate other group, and further
- discussion (if any) will not take place in rec.radio.info.
- In order to ensure that rec.radio.info contains only appropriate articles, it
- was decided to create the group as a moderated newsgroup.
- -- Why are messages almost always cross posted to rec.radio.info?
- It provides a "tag" for each article to be assembled into a filtered
- presentation in rec.radio.info (even with cross-posting, only one message, with
- a unique Message-ID, is propogated across the net). This tag also facilitates
- a pre-existing method of dropping or cancelling the articles locally within the
- discussion groups if you don't want to see them. This accommodates individuals
- who want to separate the bulletins from the discussions, discussions from the
- bulletins, as well as those who are adamant about not reading another
- newsgroup and wanted to see everything all in one basket.
- With the total size of Usenet (in number of newsgroups and total traffic)
- doubling every year or so, this is no insignificant contribution to reducing
- information noise and chaos. Making the discussion groups a catch-all, and
- making extra newsgroups filters on that catch-all, is also the most realistic
- way to implement such a scheme (It's not intuitively obvious what the charter,
- contents, and general appropriate topics for each and every newsgroup are.
- Seeing FAQ's and charter/intro postings in the home newsgroup is beneficial
- for new readers).
- By cross-posting one only is adding a few tens of bytes to each bulletin (to
- specify the extra group on the Newsgroups line), but are adding the capability
- for very powerful filtering features available on most news servers,
- listservers and readers. Your local news guru could probably explain these
- features in more detail.
- In rn, for example, according to Leanne Phillips in her rn kill-file FAQ, add
- a line of the form:
- /Newsgroups:.*[ ,]rec\.radio\.info/h:j
- either in ~/News/KILL (if you don't want to see rec.radio.info articles
- anywhere) or ~/News/rec/radio/amateur/misc/KILL (if you don't want to see them
- just in rec.radio.amateur.misc). The latter method means your kill file will
- only be consulted during rec.radio.amateur.misc (and hence runs more
- efficiently), and will probably work for most people.
- In nn, according to Bill Wohler in his nn FAQ, add a line of the form:
- rec.radio.info:!s/:^
- in ~/.nn/kill (if you don't want to see rec.radio.info articles anywhere), or
- put the following lines:
- sequence
- rec.radio.info
- rec.radio.
- at the end of ~/.nn/init in order to see all the rec.radio.info bulletins first,
- then read the remaining rec.radio.* without the bulletins.
- -- What is a 'follow-up', and what does 'moderated' mean?
- If you are new to Usenet and are not familiar with the terminology, you might
- want to read the general introductory articles found in the newsgroup
- news.announce.newusers. Doing so will make your life on the net much easier,
- and will probably save you from making silly beginner's mistakes.
- If you think that at this moment you are reading an echo, a conference, or
- a bulletin board, I'd also strongly suggest a trip over to
- news.announce.newusers.
- For the rest of this article, I will assume you have a basic knowledge of
- Usenet terminology and mechanics.
- A moderated group means that any article that needs to be posted to the group
- has to be accepted by the moderator of the group. Since we need to ensure that
- followups to an article (discussion) do not show up in the rec.radio.info
- newsgroup, the `Followup-To:' header line contains a newsgroup that is
- appropriate for disussions about the specific article.
- -- OK, so now I know what 'moderated' means. Tell me more.
- Rec.radio.info is a moderated newsgroup, which means that all articles
- submitted to the group will have to be approved by the moderator first.
- The current moderator of the group is Mark Salyzyn. Submissions to
- rec.radio.info can be posted, or e-mailed to:
- rec-radio-info@ve6mgs.ampr.ab.ca
- Comments, criticisms, suggestions or questions about the group can be e-mailed
- to:
- rec-radio-request@ve6mgs.ampr.ab.ca
- But before you do so, please be sure to check out the "Submission Guidelines"
- article.
- The influence of the moderator should be minimal and of an administrative
- nature, consisting chiefly of weeding out obviously inappropriate articles,
- while making sure correct headers etc. are used for the appropriate ones.
- -- What type of material is considered inappropriate?
- There are three broad categories of articles which will be rejected by the
- moderator:
- 1) Requests for information: rec.radio.info is strictly a one-way street. I
- receive information in my mailbox; I then post it to rec.radio.info.
- Requests for specific information belong in the normal discussion newsgroups.
- If your request gets answered, you might consider passing the answer on to
- rec.radio.info, though. Especially if you can edit it into a informational,
- rather than a discussion, format.
- 2) Obvious discussion articles, or articles that appear unsubstantiated.
- 3) Commercial stuff: a relatively unbiased test of a radio product would be
- accepted, but any hint of for-profit might be reason for rejection. For three
- reasons: This is not the purpose of the list, for-profit is a controversial
- topic, and this list may be passed onto Amateur Packet Radio (where
- for-profit is prohibited except under certain provisos).
- rec.radio.swap (or possibly comp.newprod) may be more deserving of the
- posting in any matter.
- Similarly, copyrighted material generally cannot be used. If it's TRULY
- worthwhile to the net, I would recommend obtaining permission from the
- copyright holder. Please note the source, and if permission was given. I
- reserve the right to make the final decision concerning appropriateness in
- all situations. In most cases, a brief summary of, or pointer to, the
- copyrighted information may be all I can allow.
- -- I do not have access to news, how can I get the information posted to
- rec.radio.info?
- brian@UCSD.EDU (Brian Kantor) has kindly supplied a mail list server for
- rec.radio.info. Non of the articles will be digested, due to their size, so
- you will receive individual mailings for every article posted to the group.
- Mail sent to radio-info@ucsd.edu will be forwarded to the moderator and
- thus is an alias to rec-radio-info@ve6mgs.ampr.ab.ca
- To subscribe and unsubscribe via the listserver; the format for that is
- sub address radio-info
- unsub address radio-info
- where 'address' is your full mailing address. Send this request to
- listserv@ucsd.edu
- Note that the server will automatically delete any address that bounces mail.
- If you leave the address portion blank, it will try to deduce your address
- from the mail headers. This may not work if you are on bitnet, milnet or
- some other non-Unix host, so it is recommended to put your return address
- in any case. For example:
- sub mymailbox@myhost.mydomain.mil radio-info
- or
- sub MEMEME01@DMBHST.bitnet radio-info
- or something like that.
- -- Will the material appearing in rec.radio.info be archived somewhere?
- Yes. Still firming up details at the moment but here is a preliminary list:
- - unbc.edu as maintained by Lyndon Nerenberg <lyndon@unbc.edu>
- - nic.funet.fi maintained by Risto Kotalampi <rko@cs.tut.fi>
- saved to /pub/dx/text/rec.radio.info currently stored as
- numbered files.
- Effectively this means that anything you post to rec.radio.info will be
- permanently stored, so your work will not be lost.
- -- I have a regular posting with timely information, is there a way to
- speed up it's delivery, or automate for more convenience?
- Yes, there is! It may take a bit of chatter with the moderator, but we are
- willing to take responsible people and provide them the means of posting the
- articles directly from their site. We will try everything we can as we fully
- realize that DX (distant signal) and astronomical data can be somewhat
- transitory. We are also willing to allow regular posters of information the
- same courtesy, even if the information is not as time critical.
- We refer to this as self-moderation, which is partly based on the model for
- news.answer. This requires co-operation and good will to be beneficial to
- the community in the rec.radio hierarchy.
- I suggest reading the posting guidelines for more information. I am open to
- suggestions.
- I thank the following individuals for their input into this article:
- rec.music.info moderator Leo Breebaart rec-music-info@cp.tn.tudelft.nl
- rec.radio.broadcasting moderator Bill Pfeiffer wdp@gagme.chi.il.us
- Paul W. Schleck, KD3FU pschleck@unomaha.edu
- Ian Kluft, KD6EUI ikluft@uts.amdahl.com
- --
- Mark Salyzyn -- Moderator rec.radio.info
- Submissions to: rec-radio-info@ve6mgs.ampr.ab.ca
- Administrivia to: rec-radio-request@ve6mgs.ampr.ab.ca
- * Requests for information do *not* belong in rec.radio.info *
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V93 #1304
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